Sunday, November 23, 2008

Our Story

I got tagged a long time ago... I finally decided to do it. I guess I am feeling nostalgic.

Sorry, it's more for me... I got really into in and wrote alot of details :D

1. Where did you first meet your husband?
I met him at an Institute Men & Women Association Activity through our Elder Quorum's President. Wordy, but true. :) I was involved in the association and Damond just came for free food.

2. What was the first thing you said to your husband?

"Hi, nice to meet you," maybe "welcome to the ward" nothing spectacular, in fact I think we both kind of brushed it off...

At the time, I had been talking to the Elder's Quorum President and he said, "Hey, have you met Damond, he's new in our ward?" I can remember that he was wearing an England soccer jersey and that I was wearing a brown fleece hoodie (one of my favorites). I will tell you one of the first things I heard a girl say to him... we were at an FHE activity maybe a week later. At the end, a bunch of us were sitting around and a girl walked up to him and said, "I just wanted to let you know, you're really cute!" Damond, was stunned and maybe said, "thanks." and she walked away. I was trying so hard not to laugh. :) needless to say, for awhile I thought he must be very sure of himself, with comments like that!

3. Where was your first date?
Both of us tried really hard to be friends at first. So we hung out alot (generally as a group) and talked at the institute. Another funny story: We were going to meet up at a dance/party, so when we talked to get directions, he told me he was going to go to the Chinese Cultural Center. I told him that I had never been there and he invited me along. We met there and since he hadn't eaten, he got quizno's. While eating, he got a phone call from his brother. This is what I hear... "Hey, how are you? yeah, things are going good."" UMMM, UMMM, I'm on a dddd-date." (He quickly peaks at me) "uh huh. yeah, I'd love to come to dinner. Bye" Again, trying so hard not to laugh. :D I didn't know what it was either, but it was fun to see him squirm.

So technically, we say it was a night we hiked up A mountain and talked for a really long time!

4. Where was your first kiss?
At the institute. I had previously decided he wasn't into me. Just friends kind of thing. Funny story: Well, at the time, it wasn't for me. We had gone snowboarding with a friend. I had a really hard time. I only made it down once, successfully. He, on the other hand mastered it on his first run. So I spent most of the day, on my bum, watching him and my friend. We eventually went on a run together. On the ski lift he said something to the effect that I was like a LITTLE SISTER to him! I took that as an obvious message! So I decided to try to spend less time with him so as to get back on our "just friends" track. Apparently he was thinking the opposite! Several days later, we had been studying, really late, at the Cumputer Commons and as he walked me to my car, out of the blue asked if he could kiss me! I said, "NO!" just kidding! " of course I said, yes. Which surprised me since it had been about five years since I'd let anyone else kiss me. I was really selective! Which turned out really well for me :D

5. Did you have a long or short engagement/courtship?

Well, this gets tricky :) Let's see we met at the end of Jan. He kissed me the end of March. Four days later asked me, "what my thoughts were on getting married?" Officially proposed beginning of May. Got married early August. I try to deny it, but it was pretty whirlwind!

Another funny story: Before I let him kiss me again (remember my selectiveness) I established our itemness (or thought I had). Two days later we went to his brother's wedding reception, where I met almost all of his family! He introduces me as his FRIEND! WHAT?!!!! I wasn't quite sure what to make of that... so the next day when he say's he has to talk to me," I start thinking "he wants to break up" Nope! he says he feels like he should propose! Backwards, I tell you! The whole courtship was backwards :D

6. Where did you get engaged?

On top of A mountain. We had just attended an IM&WA activity. It was the first time I had gotten mad at him. We had played ultimate frisbee and I thought he let me catch the winning touchdown. I was kind of mad and he took me to Bahama Bucks. That sweetened me up a bit :) He then asked if I wanted to climb A Mountain with him. I started to get that "feeling", but I thought, "no way. I am all sweaty... and gross. He wouldn't." But he did :) ( that was the only thing Damond had to add) :D

7. Where were you married?

In the Mesa Arizona Temple. It was absolutely perfect! For time and all eternity. He's that special!

Since, it can't be without a funny story: I was at the hair stylist that morning and her curling iron blew up! What are the chances?

8. How was the Honeymoon?

Perfect! We went to Puerto Vallarta. It was so nice to get away, just the two of us, after a summer of wedding craziness! Last funny story: We were about to land when Damond looked out the window and said, "wow! I never realized Mexico was so green!" :D He was so used to Border/Northern Mexico. So it was nice to enlighten him and show him the Mexico I loved!

As you see I had a lot of fun with this.. so I tag anyone that wants to go down memory lane :) I would love to hear everyone's funny stories! :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Random happenings!

Alex has been slowly adjusting to one a day naps. He usually does ok, but I guess this morning he was so tired he fell asleep like this while he was reading and eating a snack ... so sweet!

My parents got Alex this outfit and I have been so sad to see him grow out of it! He is getting so big! He weighed 27 lbs for his fifteen month check up!

This was the first time Damond had gone out to interview and so we met him, late, at the airport. Little boys must crawl into, over, under anything that comes their way :D

Here's Alex trying to make the Front Page Headline! :)
We were uplifted during the semi annual Conference! It was a blast to be able to meet up with family. As always there is a lot of chaos, but all in good fun :) Thomas loves to hear he's going to meet up with cousins!

Alex found this B-ball, while at D2's house and he didn't let go of it for the rest of the night. He quietly held the ball and watched Dad play football with his brothers... he and the ball were one!
I chose this picture, because all though it was craziness on the trampline and his life was in danger, he HELD onto the ball! It was very cute!

Alex loves his yogurt!

The boys were being silly!

October Happenings!

Here is re-cap of October, since it's NOVEMBER! Where does the time go?

We started out with the first FHE of Oct, painting and carving pumpkins. Thomas loved it and surprised us all. I had been avoiding saying, "Halloween", because I am not a huge fan of this holiday. ( but I LOVE FALL!!!!!) It slipped, and immediately Thomas asked if we were going to walk for candy (trick -or treating)! I can't belive he remembered! He only did it for a couple of houses last year! Needless to say, he was constantly bringing it up for the rest of the month :)

Alex was interesting in painting for about 5 seconds; the rest of the evening he played with Uncle Diego, who had graced us with his presence :) I think he just wanted food and to do his laundry, but he denies it :D