Monday, May 31, 2010

Two Week- Grissom Air Museum

The first week we were in Indiana, we drove by this museum. Unfortunately, it was closed, but the boys were fascinated by all the Jets they could see through the fence.

During Damond's break, we decided that it would be a fun day trip. And it was! It was so interesting to see all these historic planes up close and learn more about them.

The inside of this small museum was filled with parts of large airplanes, many little airplanes encased, and other stuff :D Obviously, the big planes the kids could climb into were their favorites!

The above picture is a little too foreshadowing for me... I don't think I could handle my kids signing up for the armed forces! ( I doubt many mother's can)


Alice said...

Wow! What a fun place to go. I am so excited you got to have 2 fun weeks with you hubby and best friend. Alex is getting so big. I wish I was there to help you out, but it sounds like you have some wonderful people helping you out. If you do need anything let me know:) Love and miss you!

J. said...

I'm thinking Top Gun! It looks like you guys had a blast. Thanks for all these great posts! Can't wait to see you.