Saturday, March 30, 2013

Match Day! It's Hard to Believe...

It's hard to believe that Match Day has come and gone.
Match Day was two weeks ago, March 15th.

It's hard to believe that I spent it in Tucson.
I should have been in Indiana
with Damond
on a stage somewhere,
announcing that we received our first pick
The Mayo Clinic, Anesthesiology.
Instead, we met up with good friends from Indiana
in Wildcat Territory

It's hard to believe that this was us, almost four years ago.
We had no clue what we were getting ourselves into.
We are so grateful we added one more handsome boy to this family.

We were asked several times what advice we would give someone thinking of going into Medical school. Damond and I would look at each other, smile and say, "don't do it!" 
We are not the only med students to joke like this. In fact, it's only half joke. It's also part truth.
Damond would often say, "I knew med school was going to be hard, but I really had no idea it would be this hard."

I remember celebrating after the White Coat Ceremony. I am sure that we talked about Match Day.
It seemed so far away.
I am sure that we thought we would match in Arizona.
 Having just moved away from AZ two weeks prior, we/I was eager to get back.

It's hard to believe that I am back in Arizona, but not because we matched here.
It's hard to believe that the one in the white coat is no longer with us!

It's hard to believe it has been three months, as of Thursday.
It's been 91 days, since I last talked to Damond.

On the three month anniversary of his passing
it was the 10 year anniversary of our first date as a couple.

It was the night we became the Duct Tape Duo.
We went to a dance. I came up with our costume idea.
 Friends helped us make our really cool duct tape capes.
At the time, I had no idea Damond was a Duct Tape Master.
See, we were meant to be, right? ;)
We had such a fun night. After the dance, we walked Mill Avenue Bridge.
 We talked for a LONG time and he told me all about his family.
I told him I would really like to meet them.
He said, "well, would you like to meet all of them tomorrow?
My brother is having his wedding reception and I would like you to come with me."
Ten years ago today, I met "The Farar Family!"
My life was never the same. :)
They have been such a blessing to my life!
But, It's still hard to believe we are no longer a Duo and that Match Day really never was! 


EmilyCC said...

I keep thinking you were supposed to come back to Arizona but not like this. I love these pictures of Damond taking his superhero work very seriously :)

Kristin said...

Oh, but you will always, always, always be a duo--the Duck Tape Duo! Those pictures are so great, you two are too cute. Thought of you so much on match day and should have let you know. Damond did match right where Heavenly Father needed him, just not with the next step he was planning on. Not that that makes it one tiny bit less hard--because you were supposed to match together. But you were matched to a different next step for a brief time.

I cannot imagine how hard it is to watch this alternate future that you were planning on seem to continue along one path while you're on a different path now--I can't believe it either, at all. I think so much about how excited we were in the fall talking about what our next steps might be, hardly daring to believe we'd almost made it all four years. But you guys did make it through those incredibly hard four years, and you're going to make it through the next "residency" step, too--even longer and harder than you expected. But I know exactly where you are is the right path that leads eventually to total, complete, utter and amazing happiness and joy with Damond and your boys.

I love you so, so much Adriana. I think of you and pray for you all the time. One little day of this residency at a time. Humongous hugs,
