(from our B-Day, Aug '08)
I don't want to forget:
Around the age of 2 1/2 or three, "I do it myself!" begins... it's not so great when you are in a hurry :( but it's a good reminder to remember that we don't have to be in such a hurry
Alex likes the word "ow!" He will bump into something on purpose and say, "ow". Otherwise he will hit you and make you say, "ow" and then smile :D (silly goose!)
My dad took care of the boys the other night. The boys both had brooms, that, as he explained, were swinging all over the place. I asked him why he didn't just take them away? "They would have cried." was his answer with a "duh" expression :D "Grandpa!"
The boys love playing in the curtains! The giggles I hear... :) It's one of those moments that can slip by, if I don't cherish it while it lasts.
I just have to mention doctor, medicine, or milk and Thomas will want nothing to do with it :)
Alex loves to take everything out, put back in, slip into, ect.
Alex would love to be Thomas' shadow :) if he can keep up, sometimes he is :D
These are just a few things, but I am hoping to keep this up to help me remember the little things that make life grand!