(well, almost two weeks ago) :(
It felt like time was moving sooooo slow at the end. I thought my due date would never come. I even feared that he would come late :(, but sure enough, I delivered on my due date again. Now, it seems like time is flying by so rapidly, there is just not enough time to get anything done besides the absolute necessities!
It has been wonderful to have my sister and mom here these past two weeks and I am quite afraid of how these next two weeks will go. Damond's last exams before finals start next Thursday, so most likely we will see him even less then he's been around since Jacob was born and I didn't think that was possible! So if possible, don't come visit in two weeks, because the house may have exploded from not getting anything done :D j/k, but do pray that we will survive :)
Born October 25, 2010
7 lbs .5 oz 20 in. long
We say that Thomas picked his name, since on two separate occasions he told us we should name him Jacob before we had mentioned it to him and then did the same with Jackson.
Thomas absolutely adores Jacob and is very sweet to him. He loves to call him Jacob Macob (because that rhymes) :) He is always trying to make sure we include Jacob.
Alex has been a little more skeptical about Jacob. I think the hospital situation weirded him out a bit. He seems to be having a harder time, because he has been acting a little more off the wall when Jacob is around. I think the three's are going to be much harder than the two's with Alex. But he loves to see Jacob and kiss him (I just don't think Alex realizes how strong he is) :)
The delivery went well, only 11 hrs long. Jacob and I are still recovering, but I think we are figuring life out every day. There is something about this third one that has somewhat thrown me. I guess, it just gets harder with more little ones to take care of.
Things about Jacob...
Has much lighter colored hair than the other boys
has huge hands and feet
only seems to cry when hungry and even then he usually gives me three squawks as warnings :)
likes to give me a good three hour stretch and then wake up every hour after until about 6 or 7
I think he is a mix of the two boys, in looks and in personality
though some say he looks more like Thomas
is already very observant
is too precious and I am so glad to be holding him in my arms!