Tuesday mornings are Thomas' swim lessons. He had a very difficult time at first. He cried and screamed for the whole lesson, three times straight. It was very hard for me to leave him, especially when he would sob, "mommy, mommy." One time I almost started crying. But Damond would push me out and tell me he'd be fine. It's funny, because I have said that countless of time myself as a swim instructor. By the third time he would only cry if he saw me or Damond. So I learned to stay out of sight and he was fine. These last two weeks he has gone in, still a little nervous, but without crying. Today he got the "I backfloated all my myself!" ribbon. I was so proud of him! He was excited to get a cool treat :)
This past weekend, we went to Yuma to spend time with Damond's family. Thomas loves going to Grandma and Grandpa's house, because they have a trampoline that he jumps on all day long and if possible, all night long as well! They have fun dirt tractors that he gets all dirty with. He also loves that usually he gets to play with at least one cousin for several days. This weekend it was Danny and Ashley, with a bit of Kennadie and Lauren. But for the most part, he wanted Danny. Danny is the coolest, according to Thomas.
Conference was this past weekend. It was wonderful, at least the handful of talks that I actually got to hear. It is very hard to keep a child quietly occupied during conference. I wonder how the early pioneers did it. Elder Ballard is my new favorite man. :) I say that in jest, because all of the general leaders have many admirable qualities. But he gave a talk about the awesome responsibility of motherhood and how mothers are so special for that reason. I have a strong testimony of our new prophet, President Monsen. He is not to be worshiped, but he is in communication with our Father in Heaven. He is in endless service of the Savior and for him I am thankful.
I have been bitten by the conference bug. This is a bug that I get every 6 months. The symptoms are self-improvement, showing more love and kindness, striving to serve the Lord and our fellow men, and wanting to improve my knowledge of the gospel and Savior's teachings.
It is my goal, that in a year from now, I can look back on this weekend and know my life changed for the better.
I have also made a goal to try and write down the many ways in which the Savior blesses my life each day. I got this idea from the talk," O Remember, Remember!"Today I am grateful for such a beautiful world and country with which to live in. I am also grateful for Grandpa's that take active three year olds to baseball games :)